Be sure to check back soon for more information on upcoming Board Connection Events!
Leadership Lorain County has over 1,300 dedicated alumni across the professional spectrum. If you’re unsure where to find your next speaker for your club, organization, leadership meeting, or more let us help. Contact us at and let us connect you with one of the alumni supporting Lorain County.
The “Best Class of 2025” will be meeting on Wednesday, November 20th, taking part in a Poverty Simulation as part of their Session Day experience. For this impactful experience to be a success we need your help. Please sign up to volunteer and join us to impact the class this year. You can sign up through VOLUNTEERCONNECT. All information will be shared in advance so volunteers will have the chance to familiarize themselves with their station before the day of the event.
Please feel free to call 440-281-8535 or email with any questions.
About True Colors
True Colors® is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament.
The colors of Orange, Gold, Green, and Blue are used to differentiate the four central True Colors® personality styles. Each of us has a combination of the four True Colors that make up our personality spectrum, usually with one of the styles being the most dominant. By identifying your personality (and the personalities of others), True Colors provides insights into different motivations, actions, and communication approaches. The core of the system identifies intrinsic values, motivations, self-esteem, sources of dignity and worthiness, causes of stress, communication styles, listening styles, non-verbal responses, language patterns, social skills, learning styles, environmental motivators, cultural appeal, negative mental states, relationship orientation and ethical behaviors.
Hence, by understanding each individual’s personality type, teams can improve communication through the recognition of a person’s true character, transforming True Colors into an uncomplicated language for every individual to convey complex ideas very simply.
True Colors works because it is based on true principles and easy to remember and use – in all kinds of circumstances – from personal relationships to professional success.
Contact Julie Cruz Blair at 440-281-8535 or via email at for more information on how to schedule a True Colors presentation for your company or organization.
For more information on our next event please contact us today!